Monday, January 27, 2014

Los Angeles - Philz Coffee

One thing I love about LA is the number of its killer sister cities within easy road tripping distance. Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, San Diego and San Francisco are just a few exciting options. During one of my treks to the Bay Area, I was introduced to a game changer known as the mint mojito iced coffee.

The Spot: Philz (his flagship location)

The Scene: Mellow groups of people hanging outside on benches, taking in the sights and sounds of The Mission (which also reminds me of Los Angeles' very own Silverlake, i.e. young, vibrant and ridiculously hip). Bright murals and original artwork of Phil himself decorate the inside along with vintage tables, mismatched chairs and worn-in couches.

The Goods: COFFEE
Re: The one and only iced mint mojito!

This masterpiece is creamy and sweet with a consistency comparable to your most memorable glass of chocolate milk. I crave this specialty beverage on a regular basis and actually go through minor withdrawal when I get back to L.A. Imagine the best iced coffee you've ever had, and then throw in a mint mojito (sans alcohol) from your favorite bar. My boyfriend and I stopped at Philz three times over Thanksgiving break. Trust that we could have easily Phil'd it up an extra trip or two during that weeklong stay to keep our fixes going strong.

My boyfriend broke his mint mojito streak to test the waters of another specialty coffee known as the gingersnap brew. This limited edition proved to be quite the treat (basically, it tasted like Christmas in a cup). Specialty coffees aren't your thing? Each regular old cup (you can choose between light, medium or dark roast) is brewed individually by laid-back and oh so trendy baristas and is just as delicious.

Bottom line: Philz is always fresh and ready to perk your day right up... even after a sucky fender bender. (Guilty. This happened en route to my very first Philz experience. Let's blame the cable car tracks for that one.)

The original Philz:
3101 24th St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

Facebook:Philz Coffee

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