Friday, September 26, 2014

A Stroll Around the Silver Lake Reservoir

Kicking off Tuesday morning in one of my favorite L.A. neighborhoods, Silver Lake, was quite alright with me. I had plans to grab coffee and walk around the reservoir with Liza. She's a freelance fashion photographer and one of my most inspirational friends, so I was excited to catch up with her. I didn't even mind waking up extra early to brave that rush hour traffic. In fact, I looked forward to it. That's what Waze is for, after all!

I was running a few minutes late. She said not to worry, because she still had pillow lines on her face. That made me feel a little less guilty; it's pretty clear we're from the same tribe.

We grabbed our caffeine at Silver Lake's finest, LAMILL (coffee for me, tea for her - both iced in this SoCal heat)! Armed with our beverages and twinning in baseball hats, we were finally prepared for that walk around the res.

I find the Silver Lake Reservoir more relaxing than anything. There's a few minor hills, but nothing I can't handle. The sun likes to flare through the fence and bounce off of the water, which is a pretty calming and refreshing sight to see while you're brainstorming creative ideas with one of your pals.

The neighborhood is quiet and the houses are super cool. We managed to circle the reservoir once, just before the sun dominated the day. Then I felt like I was in a sauna, but did I mind? Absolutely not. California's warm weather is the main reason I ditched the east coast. I'll take crazy heat over freezing cold anytime.

Once we got back to Liza's, my 27-year-old body didn't so feel groggy anymore. These days, it's like my joints and muscles are thanking me after any type of exercise. I find this a tad depressing, because it means I'm finally growing up; it's also pretty awesome, because it's the kick I need to hustle.

Whenever Liza and I hang out, we always bring each other up to speed on our most favorite bloggers and vloggers. Today this took place over yogurt and raspberries. After diving into Cupcakes and Cashmere's "Links I Love" series and's adorably innovative "DIY Lace Print Clutch" video, Liza had some chic photography business to attend to, and I chose to walk around the reservoir a second time, totally solo. Thomas Jack's latest "Tropical House" mix was blasting in my headphones the entire way. It was kind of amazing.

In fact, both reservoir rounds were so fun that Liza and I scheduled the same plans for next week. Do I sense a new routine in the making? I sure hope so. I could get used to this.

*Listen to Thomas Jack here, because he's really ruling my speakers lately:

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